Thursday, January 27, 2011

Campaign for Liberty (Norm Olson, Commander Alaska Citizen Militia)

Campaign for Liberty

I encourage everyone to be "fierce and defiant" about your liberty and the rights God has given you.

With the new people coming on board, I want each and every member of this militia to be a strong as you can be. Let the world know that the patriots in Alaska are a rare breed and not to be messed with.

Our strength and PROTECTION will be determined by sending the central government the message that we are unified in our love for liberty and we will not sit idely by if tyrants attempt to make war against the Constitution and our God-Given rights to life, liberty, and happiness (among others)...

Our threat is against TYRANNY. It always has been. We name no names and we threaten only the BEHAVIOR of those in governmental positions. If you are are tryant, then you are an enemy of the Constitution. Simple. If you push us, we will add your transgressions to that "Long train of abuses" our Founding Fathers spoke about in the Declaration of Independence. One day we will be able to take it no longer. Be aware that we fight for our liberty and will rather die on our feet as free people than to live on our knees as slaves.

Please never forget that the Constitution is a LIMITING DOCUMENT, providing the LIMITS of Central Government's power.

If necessary, we will shake the gun in the tyrant's face. I personally do not feel that the liberal and corporate media is our friend. One day maybe, not not now....

Stay with us, all you patriots. The campaign to win our liberty has just begun!

Norm Olson, ...............................................................................................Back to Top
Commander ACM

Bits & Pieces (Norm Olson, Commander Alaska Citizen Militia)

Bits & Pieces

(with periodic updates)
  • There is no one-size-fits-all militia. Each group will have to do its own force/threat analysis and determine what is best in its situation.
  • Keeping up is more than quickening your pace. It's about listening to the cadence.
  • We are the people and we are free. Any equipment we need, we can acquire. Any funds we need will be freely offered. As the thunder of an approaching storm, the dark and ominous days ahead are already sounding trouble. It will not be salesmenship or promotions or gimicks that will get people to join the Alaska Citizens Militia, but rather the awareness that dangerous times are coming.
  • The primary goal of the ACM is to network and to find allies in the event of any kind of emergency.
  • Our greatest enemy is fear.
  • Our strength is diversity and survivability.
  • The Handbook of the ACM says that we are non-political, non-racial, and non-religious. We do not adhere to a particular dogma. We are patriots!
  • I have NO TIME FOR CHRISTIANS who are hiding under the old idea that we are to "Love our enemies".... Jesus said, "Love YOUR enemies...." He never said that we are to love HIS enemies.

Norm Olson, .............................................................................................
Commander ACM

Patriots Are Standing Up (Norm Olson, Commander Alaska Citizen Militia)

Patriots Are Standing Up

A Note of Encouragement I've been browsing the many patriot websites. The enormous number of patriot groups is amazing! There are literally thousands of Constitutional (2nd Amendment) militia groups now in existence and emerging everywhere. To some, the numbers are important, but to the patriot, devotion to the cause is paramount.

To that end, I'm forwarding some thoughts of encouragement:
"I am not merely a 'patriotic' American. I am an American Patriot; not just having the appearance, but being the genuine article. On this I must stand....I can do nothing else." Norman Olson
On April 19, 1775, a handful of men in Lexington, Mass., took up arms to oppose a force sent to confiscate their means to resist tyranny. This confiscatory force was not a foreign invader, nor an army of occupation; it was the army of their own government. Our ancestors resisted, and won.

Modern Americans are content to grovel at the feet of their government, compromising at every turn, whimpering platitudes of subservient thanks when their Constitutional rights, assured by the original Ten Amendments to the Constitution, are granted to them anew as privileges.

Fear today is rampant! The fear of loss is far greater than the hope of gain. We have become weak in our generation because of our willingness to be fed from the hand of the central government; and now, we are so dependent that any thought of defying those who care for us evokes dread. Without saying so, we wonder “who will take care of us if the central government fails?” We are more frightened at the prospect of losing what we have than we are by risking to prepare for what is coming.

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are limitations on government --not the individual. Bear in mind that the original Ten Amendments to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, were not the product of those who wrote the Constitution, the Federalists, but of those who opposed it, the Anti-Federalists. The Anti-Federalists recognized the potential for tyranny in the Constitution and insisted on guarantees of inalienable rights that could not be abrogated by government . They recognized that all central governments are, by definition, tyrannical. Hence in the wisdom of the Framers, self-government and government where power is reserved by the people, was the least dangerous.

Our enemies believe words are fuzzy, indefinable constructs that assume whatever meaning they want under whatever whim of context they invent at the time. They hate the 18th century language of the Constitution because the words used actually had specific meaning in the context in which they were used. Thus the Second Amendment to the US Constitution states: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

In context, the term "...Militia," meant the whole citizenry, independently armed, practiced and drilled in the use of arms, prepared to take up those arms to preserve their property, as individuals, and their rights as free men. In context, the phrase " of a free State," meant not only defense against foreign aggression, but more explicitly, defense against domestic tyranny.

Note the precision of the closing to this keystone of the Bill of Rights; "...shall not be infringed." In context this means: No organization, government or non-government, by design, neglect, or whim, through legislation or regulation, for reasons specific or implied, shall restrict this right in any way, form, or condition.

Our enemies believe the Second Amendment refers only to State governments, or even more terrifying, to the Federal government. Their worn-out argument that, "...the people...." in the Second Amendment applies only to the National Guard, Reserve, standing army, and police, but not to individuals, is a base lie. "...(T)he people..." means all individuals. Period!

The National Guard is an instrument of force of a State government. The Reserves are an instrument of force of the Federal Government. Both organizations are, in 18th century terms, an Organized Militia. It was in opposition to a government monopoly of armed force that the individual's rights to keep and bear arms was guaranteed. No wonder the central despises the Second Amendment.

Supreme Court rulings on the Second Amendment have affirmed that the Second Amendment applies only to individuals, not armed gangs on federal or state payrolls. Indeed, the right of individuals to bear arms appropriate to (organized) Militia use is unquestioned. This means: If the National Guard, Reserves, standing army, and innumerable armed gangs of local, state, and unconstitutional Federal police have, for example, M-16 rifles, it is not only the right of individuals to possess and openly bear the same weapons, it is contrary to the preservation of their liberty not to! For this reason, I have encouraged all militia members to attempt to arm themselves with true military weapons, comparable to those carried by the forces hostile to the Constitution.

Our enemies are everywhere, using lies and mis-truths to creep up on us and to abolish forever the sole guaranty of personal liberty in the Constitution, the Second Amendment.

Our enemies are constantly calling for compromise of Second Amendment issues which they themselves fabricate. (Please remember that they create the problem and then convince us that only they can solve it) But compromise, as any intelligent person knows, is exceedingly dangerous. As stated earlier, we have compromised for so long that we have become like them, part of the collective, part of the matrix, part of the hive! Only the inept, irrational, and intellectually corrupt ask for and plan for compromise and only they win when compromise is conceded by the able, rational, and intelligent out of some misguided fear of being labeled "extremist."

Our enemies hate those who stand on principle, those who distinguish right from wrong, and those who can differentiate between truth and lies. Whenever our enemies fling accusations of extremism, you can rest assured that their opponents have the truth on their side.

Regarding the Second Amendment, the only victor in the compromise between the right to keep and bear arms equivalent to those of the Organized Militia, and government legislation against them, is slavery. The men who stood armed against their government at Lexington knew that their only choice was liberty or servitude. They did not compromise. One may apply the same absolute in the continued struggle over abortion. Can we reach a compromise, as the pro-choice people beg us to do? No! And why? In a compromise between life and abortion, the unborn loses. Why is this issue to hard for Americans to fathom? Have we been assimilated to point where we now will compromise on issues such as life and freedom? “Forbid it Almighty God!”

Personally I think the Rattlesnake might have been a better national symbol than the eagle. Philosophically, the only flag in our history that reflects the cause of the American Revolution, resistance to government tyranny, is the coiled rattlesnake over the words:
No one can look upon that flag and misunderstand its meaning.

Under the Constitution the only Federal crime is treason. Subverting the Constitution can only be construed as such. Those in government, Federal, State, or local, who by action or inaction would legislate away the only individual guaranty against tyrannical government, the right to keep and bear arms, and those who support such legislation, are traitors to the Constitution.

As a member of the standing army of this nation for more than 20 years, I have, and am, sworn to defend the Constitution against these domestic enemies of the Constitution. As an American Patriot and one of thousands of leaders in today's Militia movement , I cannot lie to you and tell you that I will no longer stand by that vow and pledge that I made to you nearly 50 years ago. Therefore, I must prepare myself to take up arms against the enemies of the Constitution. I must, and will.....and praise be to heaven, I am not alone.
Norm Olson, ..............................................................................................
Commander ACM

Out In The Open (about joining the militia) (Norm Olson, Commander Alaska Citizen Militia)

Out In The Open (about joining the militia)

Welcome into the light. Now—your life just changed to some degree.

I applaud strength and conviction to this cause. Never be afraid to stand up for the principals that you hold firm in your heart. For that is the core of what keeps America above the rest—heartfelt patriotism and the desire to see this country grow.

But be warned, that not everybody will agree with you, or even want to hear your side of the story. To many, you will be labeled as a “Right Wing Extremist”, A “Whacko With A Gun”, and many other similar tags.

Sadly, even from within the movement you will encounter a select group that plays against your own Declaration of Independence. Some will label you as an infiltrator, informant, gov’ment agent, and all of this because you are just arising from the shadows.

Learn to have patience with these types of personalities, and keep your nose pointed toward your goals. Not everybody will agree with what you stand for, or even lift a finger or speak a kind word in your defense. That is the nature of the beast.

If we all listened to the “Nay Sayers” in this world, we would still be tending sheep and huddling around campfires to keep us warm at night. This is the lesson that I learned since my own transition. Whenever I am faced with opposition on a subject or idea, I listen to what’s being said, and what’s not being said—and then resolve to create a solution or answer that alleviates those fears and anxieties. For when you overcome the objection with credible solutions—therein lays the framework that brings us from out of the shadows and into the light of discovery.

BUT—you will never be able to make believers out of everyone out there. There are some people that are deathly afraid of the consequences of being a Patriot. They, for their own reasons, hide behind the cloak of fear, and sometimes work behind the scenes to destroy your credibility—simply because they do not agree with your views or opinions.

Stay the course, hold the line—for eventually others will recognize them for what they represent, and for what you stand for.

Competent and courageous leaders are standing up across Alaska. Their determination evokes confidence from those who are looking for strong leadership. As Franke says, "Stay the course."

Let me predict a dynamic that can potentially tear apart our cohesiveness. When a few Alaska Citizens Militia members are arrested on bogus charges with "throw down (planted)" evidence, there will be call within the militia community to fight the charges in a kangaroo court. Someone will suggest a "legal defense fund". Those who give won't be able to give enough and those who don't give will be called turn-coats. (One needs to ask the question of whether ANY defense will free political prisoners, knowing that by freeing militia members will give the militia greater strength). In other words, if you are arrested, you will not see daylight for a long time, even though you are innocent.

It's time to consider that IF YOU ARE ARRESTED on trumped up charges with phony evidence, you may have to suffer ALONE simply because there is no way that the patriot community can (or will) help. If you are taken prisoner will you continue to be as strong a patriot IN JAIL as you were before?

In this scenario, we are vulnerable. Are you willing to go to jail and still maintain true faith and allegiance to the cause? Are you willing to suffer alone, knowing that freedom from incarceration is unlikely? And for all those who witness the event, are we willing to pick up the fallen standard and keep pressing forward?

The truth hurts, but we've got to consider that if one or a few of us are arrested, that we must maintain our unity of purpose. The fact is that casualties are likely long before the shooting starts. What I don't want to see is a fragmentation and falling out by other militia members because of all the wrangling and noise and finger pointing that will come.

Ask the question: "Am I willing to stand alone if necessary and to suffer alone?" If I can't answer that question, I need to reassess my decision to be involved in the citizens militia.
Norm Olson, ...............................................................................................
Commander ACM

Internal Compulsion and Motivation (exerpts)(Norm Olson, Commander Alaska Citizen Militia)

Internal Compulsion and Motivation(exerpts)

(re: unsubscribing, quitting, or fading away) ........... What you are saying is that you are unable to participate because no one is creating training for you, or providing things for you, or making the training interesting for you, or for finding a date and time that doesn't conflict with your schedule, or having lots of other people around, or possibly because we don't move fast enough or in the right direction..

As a pastor myself and as a militia leader, I have been faced with this reality for years. I cannot even begin to estimate the number of phone calls, emails, letters, and direct contact I've had from people who leave because they didn't have the internal compulsion or internal initiative or motivation to keep on in the face of difficulty and opposition.

You are frustrated. Fine... So am I... So why not just be frustrated right along with me and hang in there for just a while. If fear grows great enough the people will DESIRE to rally together. Until that time we must try to motivate people. But how?

We cannot possibly motivate people by using the standard external motivations such as money, rank, gifts, etc. Only fear will motivate a person enough to take action to prevent that which he/she is afraid of.

That's where we are today. We have people curious about the militia, in a "motivate me if you can" mode, and others who are growing more and more concerned about what we are facing. I cannot motivate people. Nothing I can say or promise will bring or keep people together if they, INTERNALLY, do not feel the need to join with others when danger comes.

Paine said it right. "These are time times that try men's souls."

........ What you are feeling is expected, anticipated, and predicted. There will be many who will lose interest and you'll want to know why. In fact, the reasons we sometimes give are not exactly true. Maybe it's more than just a dissatisfaction with what the ACM is doing in these difficult days before the crisis hits, but rather a grasp the size and nature of the danger that is coming our way.

At the very bottom of it all, I want to remind EVERYONE IN THE MILITIA, OR AFFILIATED IN ANY WAY WITH IT, that what you are doing--you are doing for conscience sake. So in that case, I do not, and cannot, and must not judge you. I just want you to know that I understand why these things happen.
Norm Olson, ...............................................................................................
Commander ACM

Lists (Norm Olson, Commander Alaska Citizen Militia)


There are many reasons that people don't want to be on anyone's list, and there are many lists that one would not want be on, but being on a list of patriots shouldn't be one of them.

The big question that I would ask is "Why are you concerned about being on a list?" What is the actual measureable and rational reason why a patriot should avoid being on a list of patriots who stand and defend the Constitutiion against all enemies, both foreign and domestic?

The answer of course is very personal, but I don't want fear to be that reason. Fear is an strange critter...It's hard to catch and hard to stop and like a skunk, it's effect is far reaching. Isn't it better to be listed with hundreds of others as being a real threat to tyrants?

This forum is read by people everywhere. Every posting is public and the names and email addresses of every individual is well known by both the state and the feds. But why should that trouble anybody?

I only regret that I didn't do more. So many lists and so little time.
Norm Olson, ...........................................................................................
Commander ACM

Confidence, Trust, Knowlege, & Honesty (Norm Olson, Commander Alaska Citizen Militia)

Confidence, Trust, Knowlege, & Honesty

The primary goal of the ACM is to network and to find allies in the event of any kind of emergency.

We just don't know what is coming, or to what degree. Wisdom dictates however, that we prepare.

The readiness training is far more important than the tactical field training under fire. Preparing ourselves to NOT engage an enemy too quickly will provide much needed time deal with the host of other problems that will arise. Proper preparation avoids panic and confusion. Just knowing each other and what our political/religious/social "common elements of unity" are will provide support and aid when the days of darkness fall.

Knowing each other will also make "sorting out" a lot simpler. What I mean by "sorting out" is that if 10 people show up at my door and I know and have worked with 6 of them, I already have a majority who can be trusted. We then together can sort out the others. Confidence, trust, knowledge, and honesty MUST be primary characteristics of the Citizens Militia, without which we will fall upon each other.

Norm Olson, .........................................................................................
Commander ACM

Starting a Militia (Norm Olson, Commander Alaska Citizen Militia)

Starting a Militia

There is no protocol for naming a group. The Handbook suggests that regional/geographical features be used to keep some kind of understandable order in establishing groups.

The entire state can be broken into divisions. We are the Kenai Peninsula Division. The Kenai Peninsula Division is made up of several Brigades. e.g. Kenai/Soldotna, Sterling, Seward, etc. Distance should determine how large your theater of operation should be.

The designation, "Division" and "Brigade" simply helps to logically identify your group and should not be thought of as a chain of command. It would be best if each Brigade be autonomous and self-sufficient, apart from the ACM as a whole.

When people ask, "How large is the ACM" you can tell them that it is made up of several divisions, each containing brigades limited by geographical and distance considerations.

Some areas have a large and fairly well organized militia already in existence. In starting a militia, it would be a good idea to make contact with militia groups that are up and running. If the purpose and supporting philosophy/political platform is agreeable, it might be better to work with existing militia units if possible (this is to aid communication, networking, unity of purpose, and to provide common elements of recognition and cooperation within the larger group).

There has always been a debate between which is best, a large visible militia group and a small "leaderless resistance cell". There is no perfect answer since we haven't seen what the opposition might array against the militia. Eventually, we will have to work together to create safe houses, etc in diverse areas. Obviously, the need to cooperate with other militia groups around the state is beneficial in many ways. The small cell group may wish to remain obscure and thereby be secure, but as was shown by the incident of the Hutaree, there are some drawbacks. And, since every militia group actively engaged in the business of liberty will be infiltrated, larger groups actually have more "layering" so that moles, provocatures, dissipators, and govt agents may have diffficulty in harming a large group since it can "fill in" quickly and recover from an event that is designed to destroy it. The Michigan Militia and the entire movement in America was greatly impacted by a government act so large that it successfully broke the back of the militia in April 1995 (see website

Remember: Every Individual IS a Commander!

Norm Olson, ............................................................................................
Commander ACM

Forum, Spirituality, and Fox-holes (Norm Olson, Commander Alaska Citizen Militia)

Forum, Spirituality, and Fox-holes

The Alaska Citizens Militia forum is intended to be a place for the discussion of useful information leading to a patriot's successful struggle against tyranny, oppression, and injustice, and for those who want to gather information for their own survival.

It is not a place for the debate of whether God exists, or which religion God honors. There are some things that are self-evident to those who believe, just as there are things that are self-evident to those who don't believe.

It is wrong to question one's belief if sufficient information is available to that person. In other words, the Alaska Citizens Militia forum is not a place to evangelize, but rather a place to provide intelligence info, training opportunities, sources for gear and supplies, and to convey important information pertaining to our struggle.

The "fox-hole" provides a sufficient reality for those who want to ponder the eternal. Nothing on earth will grant a clearer understanding of ones need to survive than a war. How to deal with ones mortality is left to the individual. In that environment, no one is held more more bullet proof than another. The dedicated Christian can be killed just as efficiently by a bullet as the agnostic or the atheist. Being a Christian is NOT a substitute for training, vigilance, or experience. To be honest, I'd be frightened to be in a fox-hole with a man who thinks he is immortal and bullet-proof.

Soldiers may have special beliefs...and that is good. It serves a man well should he contemplate eternity. But for those who just want to stay alive, I would advise them to train and to educate themselves in the ART OF WAR, if they elect to enter into the battle that is coming.

Get yourselves ready. Whether the worst comes or whether we will enjoy more time to prepare, it is important to consider that the talk about heaven and God and religion won't stop a bullet! Let's wait for the fox-hole to ask the questions.

Norm Olson, ...........................................................................................
Commander ACM

Be Alert (Norm Olson, Commander Alaska Citizen Militia)

Be Alert

Please be on alert. Infiltration is nothing to be surprised at nor is it anything to get troubled over.

Our role is DEFENSE only. We must prepare ourselves mentally, morally, spiritually, and physically to withstand tyranny.

We must use every means necessary to inform ourselves, instruct ourselves and others, and to equip ourselves to put up the best defense possible.

We will not talk openly about the tactics of offense. We do not need to. We need to train and to think as a unit. We need to know that each citizen soldier is able to do the best possible job at standing in defense of our liberties and in defense of the Constitution.

Should anyone approach you with offers of "specialty weapons," explosives, or other questionable equipment, please have them contact me. Do not do business directly with them. Have them contact me.

Norm Olson, ...............................................................................................
Commander ACM

Checking Our Navigation and Course (Norm Olson, Commander Alaska Citizen Militia)

Checking Our Navigation and Course

Two seemingly opposing principles emerge in the development of a state citizen militia. One is autonomy and the other is solidarity. Whereas autonomy means "self-rule," solidarity means "union of common interest."

These principles clash when thinking becomes one-dimensional. In our homogenous society we have learned to accept the multitudes of differences and yet we still call ourselves a union. For example, in the Christian community, we find that we can share a common faith while practicing that faith in different denominations. If then, we can be many different people in one union, or many denominations in one great faith, can we not be many patriots unified into a state-wide militia for the defense of this great state?

The present citizen militia of Alaska is made up of hundreds of individual patriots all sharing basic fundamental principles. Among these are:
a. freedom from governmental oppression
b. rule of constitutional law
c. a government accountable to "we the people" (for the people)
d. strict interpretation of the constitution
e. de-centralized government (of the people, by the people)
f. state sovereignty
g. sheriff-led local law enforcement
Now comes the difficulty. In the "art of war" there stands a principle which states, "according to one's perspective, one will form his defenses." This means simply that a soldier will adjust his defenses for what he perceives is the size of the threat directed toward the limits of his responsibility. For example, a squad leader will adjust for the safety of his squad while a theater commander will adjust his defense for the safety of the entire army in the operating area. These normal and common adjustments are correct. But if either the squad leader or the theater commander were to switch his focus, the cause would be lost. Each does his job, but each of these leaders must also keep the other's perspective in mind. This is very important. For example, the squad leader must do his job within the larger context, knowing that if he fails, the entire platoon may be at risk. The chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Likewise, the unit commander must conduct the battle so as to keep the squad leader informed and supplied. Each helping the other to fulfill the overall mission.

As a commander, your perspective (that is, your objective) is the defense of your theater of operation. Your span of operational control may be small or large, but the sovereignty of YOUR area of responsibility is the key to shutting the doors against the tyrants of the central government. As I see it, if local sovereignty and autonomy is not upheld, the peril to the militia is greatly increased. Since it is impossible to win the battle of sovereignty in the legislature, we are charged with the responsibility to maintain it. If anything, the concerted efforts of the entire Alaska Citizens Militia must be unified in order to present a common voice to legislators. In order to accomplish this, the entire militia of Alaska must develop together, rise together and hold the elements of unity that speak loudly as a unified whole. We may never change the minds of elected officials, but we can make sure they hear us and know why we are here.

This sense of unified purpose is vital. One group developing without regard for the others in the state will weaken the cause overall. Likewise, one group not in accord with another will weaken the entire militia. Consider also what might happen if personality conflicts arise which cannot be taken in stride? Conflicts and discord are fertile ground for enemy dissipators who will attempt to steer the cause off course.

But can this unity I speak of be possible while maintaining the absolute right of autonomy? I believe it can. Again, it must come from multi-dimensional thinking. This was the kind of thinking we first had when the modern militia formed many years ago. Within just one year it grew from 28 people in one county in Michigan to three million people across the country. Why? Because we had a multi-dimensional vision for the whole county. The vision was the key.

Today you must ask yourself if you still have that kind of vision or has your vision become narrow? Do you see only your unit or yourself without seeing it in the larger context? What will it benefit you as a patriot if, in order to succeed individually, you increase the risk to the entire militia and slow down the process of state sovereignty.

I have stated over and over that the individual patriot is expendable, but the cause of liberty is not. Selflessness will increase in relationship to ones devotion to the higher calling. If your vision is limited, I urge you to seek a higher vantage point. Focus on the unity of We The People of America; on the unity of We The People of Alaska; and on the unity of We The People as members of the militia. The individual patriot, be he leader or not, must see himself in the role of securing the entire state. Each member must prepare him/herself while fighting hard for state sovereignty, community survival, and eventually sheriff-led local law enforcement.

In conclusion, I ask you all to check your headings. Adjust your focus as perilous days approach. The issue before us is not rules, regulations, styles of management, number of divisions, or who will lead, but rather, "will we go on together toward the common goals we all share?" Even though we are greatly divided by geography, we must not be divided in purpose.

As pointed out in our handbook, the militia is urged to form smaller areas of management, thus decreasing span of control, thus increasing the efficiency of each individual group while decreasing the burden placed on leaders. This was to honor the principle of autonomy providing increased liberty to function individually. I ask you to reaffirm our mutual goal of total statewide defense, security and sovereignty. This is to honor the solidarity principle. I urge you all forward, in step, neighbor helping neighbor, leaving all pettiness behind. This will be soldiering at its finest and will prove the true measure of you, the patriot.

Seasons Greetings
God bless you all.
Norm Olson, ...............................................................................................
Commander ACM

Determination, Strength, and Valor (Norm Olson, Commander Alaska Citizen Militia)

Determination, Strength, and Valor

Talk all you want to about superior fire power but I believe that history will recount that we few...we "band of brothers" we "gathered here today in the defense of liberty" can become a force upon the plain that will send a message to the tyrant.

It is not the size of the dog in the fight but rather the size of the fight in the dog.

Right now we have networking, comm, opportunities to speak boldly and expressly. We have the very same voice that everyone else has...and on the footing WE DO HAVE EQUAL FIREPOWER!!

FROM "BRAVEHEART": "I am William Wallace, and I see a whole army of my countrymen, here, in defiance of tyranny. You've come to fight as free men, and free men you are. What will you do without freedom? Will you fight? Fight, and you may die. Run, and you will live, at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days, from this day to that for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives but they'll never take our freedom?"
I cannot rightly judge or measure another person's determination but I can certainly URGE determination. I cannot judge another's valor, but I can certainly encourage others. No one knows what he/she will do when the time comes, but we know the time IS COMING. Strength in numbers and a fierce determination to retain our liberties is a strong deterrent to any enemy.

Yes, we can be zapped by some laser beam from space or be shot with some high tech weapon, but we can also die in our beds, never tasting or even trying to attain freedom.

Which will it be? Take the easy road to slavery, or make it hard on them?

Would you be force marched into a pit to be machine-gunned or would you struggle to escape? You may die anyway, but perhaps some enemy soldier will get a hernia lugging your body away.
Norm Olson, ............................................................................................
Commander ACM

New Recruits(Norm Olson, Commander Alaska Citizen Militia)

New Recruits

If new people are interested in joining, they need to thoroughly read our handbook and acquaint themselves of the the history of the unorganized militia. They should also be seeking information so that they can consider whether they really want to be on our list.

Bring SOMETHING to the table other than negative criticisms. Tell us what you can contribute in providing material support, information, training, etc.

We are not here to convince people they ought to stand, nor will we drag people kicking and screaming to the light of liberty. We want people who are NOT AFRAID to stand up publically. If you have a backbone and the guts, then for heaven's sake, stand up and be counted. I'm sick and tired of people hiding because of fear!

We don't have all the glitter and resources to wow anyone into wanting to join us. We are austere and in need of trainers and material. If people want to join us, they need to understand the simple equation: Lead, Follow, or Get Out Of The Way.

Norm Olson, ............................................................................
Commander ACM

Forum Style-- The Bigger Picture (Norm Olson, Commander: Alaska Citizens Militia )

Forum Style-- The Bigger Picture

The lack of involvement on the Alaska Citizens Militia website forum is not new. It is predictable. We are in a lull ... a time of non-emergency...a time of little fear. Consequently, few people feel the necessity to cooperate or network. Changing from this forum to that bulletin board will NOT change the minds of the militia. The kind of bulletin board or forum DOES NOT determine the involvement of the militia any more than the make and model of the car determines the character of the driver.

The militia is driven by other elements that have no bearing on what form of networking we employ. FEAR drives the militia. Not duty, Not vision, Not even Love.

FEAR of tyranny and oppression fuels the militia. FEAR of losing your life or your freedom drives the militia. FEAR of the fed hammering on your door at 0300 hrs drives the militia. FEAR of the fed confiscating your bank account and threatening your with poverty fuels the militia. Not until the federals or the state move AGAINST the militia will the militia be invigorated and stimulated.

The militia itself is in a post-election lull. Everyone is waiting for something to happen. .... It is NOT that people are disinterested, it is just that there is no emergency large enough to spur people into concerted action. The elections are over. We've all fluffed up our pillows of ease to wait for the next crisis. You who have not been through this must no be troubled. Our cause is just and our time is coming... it is not now, however.

This is not new. We've been through this many times. Fear of a near and present danger is the ONLY trigger able to activate people into combining their resources and efforts.

It reminds me of the preacher who would go down to the train station every Sunday afternoon to watch the trains go by. A concerned deacon met him one afternoon and vocalized his concern. "Preacher," he said, "You've been coming down to this train station every afternoon for several weeks. What gives? What's going on." To which the pastor said, "No problem, I just like to come down here to watch something move without being pushed."

The militia is like that. Keep your powder dry... Keep building your caches and stashes... Things will change soon. Please be ready.

So it is. You cannot manufacture the stuff that fuels the militia. It is a natural process. When we get frightened enough and serious enough or really BELIEVE that something bad is going happen, we will respond. Until then, don't disturb those dozing patriots.

Norm Olson, ...............................................................................................
Commander ACM

Command Control vs Command Communication (Norm Olson, Commander: Alaska Citizens Militia )

Command Control vs Command Communication

No matter what kind of operational plan you put down on paper, you must have the physical resources able to carry out the mission.

Back in 94-95, the fledgling militia grew rapidly, even faster than our organizational structure could accommodate. Our initial goal was to get all four divisions and 83 county brigades to be networked so that information could flow freely up and down the chain. We found, however, that Command CONTROL Communication was not possible because brigade commanders were dealing with people who did not like to be "commanded" or "controlled" When commands were given, some groups rebelled because they didn't have the opportunity to input their ideas, while others felt left out because they did not have the resources necessary to carry out the directive. Essentially, we were dealing with volunteers who wanted to be part of the militia, but who knew nothing of how a military unit should work. Many of our leaders were not ex-military which made it very difficult for a unit to function.

Interestingly enough, we were experiencing what is was like for the regional and local militias before the American Revolution. Imagine what the militias of Lexington and Concord thought when militias across the state line in Pennsylvania refused to get involved. Imagine what Gen. Washington thought when militia volunteers refused to fight and simply walked away.

No matter what plan you put down on paper, unless you have experienced people AND those with unwavering dedication and loyalty, that plan will fail.

For this reason, I've supported the idea of Command Communication over Command CONTROL Communication. Many local/regional/geographic militia units, networked to share intel, resources, etc., but each militia unit should remain autonomous and self-regulating. There should be no State Commander who actually COMMANDS others to act.

I was recently asked by a national media writer, "How big is the Alaska Militia?" I said, "We have dozens of militia units spread across the state, each unit having hundreds of members...and we are growing every day." This is the message we need to send. We are far larger than anyone can actually gauge or measure. We are everywhere and we are networked. Local militia leaders must have the courage and necessary talent to deal with situations in their own operational theater. Other militia units may or may not join in to support a militia group that is confronted with a situation.

I have heard it said that "if one militia unit is attacked, all the militia should respond." That's fine in theory, but it doesn't work that way. It doesn't mean that the militia unit not responding is less patriotic or less supportive of the cause, it simply means that the militia unit not responding has exercised their conscience and have chosen to not get into the fray. Whether it is a single individual who refused to obey an order or an entire unit, the reality is still there, without the motivation, volunteers will make up their own mind what they will do.

There is a lesson in all this. It's that a cohesive body of troops must be somehow motivated by internal or external factors that will compel them to work together. What do you do with a militia member who will not obey an order or directive if he/she is not compelled by conscience to do so?

The fact is that we are all genetic rebels to begin with. We don't want be under the authority of another human being. We're skeptical of those who order us to do this or that. We want ALL the information before we make up our mind, and usually we want our own ideas to be listened to and considered, and if our idea is dismissed, usually the individual with the idea won't be showing up when the bugle sounds.

You see, we're no different than those who were in the militia long ago. It will take a very near and present threat to bring us together, such as a Lexington/Concord event! We won't really act as a cohesive body until we are bloodied. We won't work together until we have to. What is, is!

Our loose "command" structure is suited to networking INFORMATION. The burden of organizing and training and equipping and informing a local militia unit must fall on the local leadership. We all need to encourage and support growing units in the state and lend a hand in providing information to assist.

Norm Olson, ...............................................................................................
Commander ACM