Out In The Open (about joining the militia)
Welcome into the light. Now—your life just changed to some degree.I applaud strength and conviction to this cause. Never be afraid to stand up for the principals that you hold firm in your heart. For that is the core of what keeps America above the rest—heartfelt patriotism and the desire to see this country grow.
But be warned, that not everybody will agree with you, or even want to hear your side of the story. To many, you will be labeled as a “Right Wing Extremist”, A “Whacko With A Gun”, and many other similar tags.
Sadly, even from within the movement you will encounter a select group that plays against your own Declaration of Independence. Some will label you as an infiltrator, informant, gov’ment agent, and all of this because you are just arising from the shadows.
Learn to have patience with these types of personalities, and keep your nose pointed toward your goals. Not everybody will agree with what you stand for, or even lift a finger or speak a kind word in your defense. That is the nature of the beast.
If we all listened to the “Nay Sayers” in this world, we would still be tending sheep and huddling around campfires to keep us warm at night. This is the lesson that I learned since my own transition. Whenever I am faced with opposition on a subject or idea, I listen to what’s being said, and what’s not being said—and then resolve to create a solution or answer that alleviates those fears and anxieties. For when you overcome the objection with credible solutions—therein lays the framework that brings us from out of the shadows and into the light of discovery.
BUT—you will never be able to make believers out of everyone out there. There are some people that are deathly afraid of the consequences of being a Patriot. They, for their own reasons, hide behind the cloak of fear, and sometimes work behind the scenes to destroy your credibility—simply because they do not agree with your views or opinions.
Stay the course, hold the line—for eventually others will recognize them for what they represent, and for what you stand for.
Competent and courageous leaders are standing up across Alaska. Their determination evokes confidence from those who are looking for strong leadership. As Franke says, "Stay the course."
Let me predict a dynamic that can potentially tear apart our cohesiveness. When a few Alaska Citizens Militia members are arrested on bogus charges with "throw down (planted)" evidence, there will be call within the militia community to fight the charges in a kangaroo court. Someone will suggest a "legal defense fund". Those who give won't be able to give enough and those who don't give will be called turn-coats. (One needs to ask the question of whether ANY defense will free political prisoners, knowing that by freeing militia members will give the militia greater strength). In other words, if you are arrested, you will not see daylight for a long time, even though you are innocent.
It's time to consider that IF YOU ARE ARRESTED on trumped up charges with phony evidence, you may have to suffer ALONE simply because there is no way that the patriot community can (or will) help. If you are taken prisoner will you continue to be as strong a patriot IN JAIL as you were before?
In this scenario, we are vulnerable. Are you willing to go to jail and still maintain true faith and allegiance to the cause? Are you willing to suffer alone, knowing that freedom from incarceration is unlikely? And for all those who witness the event, are we willing to pick up the fallen standard and keep pressing forward?
The truth hurts, but we've got to consider that if one or a few of us are arrested, that we must maintain our unity of purpose. The fact is that casualties are likely long before the shooting starts. What I don't want to see is a fragmentation and falling out by other militia members because of all the wrangling and noise and finger pointing that will come.
Ask the question: "Am I willing to stand alone if necessary and to suffer alone?" If I can't answer that question, I need to reassess my decision to be involved in the citizens militia.
Norm Olson, ...............................................................................................
Commander ACM
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