Patriots Are Standing Up
A Note of Encouragement I've been browsing the many patriot websites. The enormous number of patriot groups is amazing! There are literally thousands of Constitutional (2nd Amendment) militia groups now in existence and emerging everywhere. To some, the numbers are important, but to the patriot, devotion to the cause is paramount.To that end, I'm forwarding some thoughts of encouragement:
"I am not merely a 'patriotic' American. I am an American Patriot; not just having the appearance, but being the genuine article. On this I must stand....I can do nothing else." Norman OlsonOn April 19, 1775, a handful of men in Lexington, Mass., took up arms to oppose a force sent to confiscate their means to resist tyranny. This confiscatory force was not a foreign invader, nor an army of occupation; it was the army of their own government. Our ancestors resisted, and won.
Modern Americans are content to grovel at the feet of their government, compromising at every turn, whimpering platitudes of subservient thanks when their Constitutional rights, assured by the original Ten Amendments to the Constitution, are granted to them anew as privileges.
Fear today is rampant! The fear of loss is far greater than the hope of gain. We have become weak in our generation because of our willingness to be fed from the hand of the central government; and now, we are so dependent that any thought of defying those who care for us evokes dread. Without saying so, we wonder “who will take care of us if the central government fails?” We are more frightened at the prospect of losing what we have than we are by risking to prepare for what is coming.
The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are limitations on government --not the individual. Bear in mind that the original Ten Amendments to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, were not the product of those who wrote the Constitution, the Federalists, but of those who opposed it, the Anti-Federalists. The Anti-Federalists recognized the potential for tyranny in the Constitution and insisted on guarantees of inalienable rights that could not be abrogated by government . They recognized that all central governments are, by definition, tyrannical. Hence in the wisdom of the Framers, self-government and government where power is reserved by the people, was the least dangerous.
Our enemies believe words are fuzzy, indefinable constructs that assume whatever meaning they want under whatever whim of context they invent at the time. They hate the 18th century language of the Constitution because the words used actually had specific meaning in the context in which they were used. Thus the Second Amendment to the US Constitution states: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
In context, the term "...Militia," meant the whole citizenry, independently armed, practiced and drilled in the use of arms, prepared to take up those arms to preserve their property, as individuals, and their rights as free men. In context, the phrase " of a free State," meant not only defense against foreign aggression, but more explicitly, defense against domestic tyranny.
Note the precision of the closing to this keystone of the Bill of Rights; "...shall not be infringed." In context this means: No organization, government or non-government, by design, neglect, or whim, through legislation or regulation, for reasons specific or implied, shall restrict this right in any way, form, or condition.
Our enemies believe the Second Amendment refers only to State governments, or even more terrifying, to the Federal government. Their worn-out argument that, "...the people...." in the Second Amendment applies only to the National Guard, Reserve, standing army, and police, but not to individuals, is a base lie. "...(T)he people..." means all individuals. Period!
The National Guard is an instrument of force of a State government. The Reserves are an instrument of force of the Federal Government. Both organizations are, in 18th century terms, an Organized Militia. It was in opposition to a government monopoly of armed force that the individual's rights to keep and bear arms was guaranteed. No wonder the central despises the Second Amendment.
Supreme Court rulings on the Second Amendment have affirmed that the Second Amendment applies only to individuals, not armed gangs on federal or state payrolls. Indeed, the right of individuals to bear arms appropriate to (organized) Militia use is unquestioned. This means: If the National Guard, Reserves, standing army, and innumerable armed gangs of local, state, and unconstitutional Federal police have, for example, M-16 rifles, it is not only the right of individuals to possess and openly bear the same weapons, it is contrary to the preservation of their liberty not to! For this reason, I have encouraged all militia members to attempt to arm themselves with true military weapons, comparable to those carried by the forces hostile to the Constitution.
Our enemies are everywhere, using lies and mis-truths to creep up on us and to abolish forever the sole guaranty of personal liberty in the Constitution, the Second Amendment.
Our enemies are constantly calling for compromise of Second Amendment issues which they themselves fabricate. (Please remember that they create the problem and then convince us that only they can solve it) But compromise, as any intelligent person knows, is exceedingly dangerous. As stated earlier, we have compromised for so long that we have become like them, part of the collective, part of the matrix, part of the hive! Only the inept, irrational, and intellectually corrupt ask for and plan for compromise and only they win when compromise is conceded by the able, rational, and intelligent out of some misguided fear of being labeled "extremist."
Our enemies hate those who stand on principle, those who distinguish right from wrong, and those who can differentiate between truth and lies. Whenever our enemies fling accusations of extremism, you can rest assured that their opponents have the truth on their side.
Regarding the Second Amendment, the only victor in the compromise between the right to keep and bear arms equivalent to those of the Organized Militia, and government legislation against them, is slavery. The men who stood armed against their government at Lexington knew that their only choice was liberty or servitude. They did not compromise. One may apply the same absolute in the continued struggle over abortion. Can we reach a compromise, as the pro-choice people beg us to do? No! And why? In a compromise between life and abortion, the unborn loses. Why is this issue to hard for Americans to fathom? Have we been assimilated to point where we now will compromise on issues such as life and freedom? “Forbid it Almighty God!”
Personally I think the Rattlesnake might have been a better national symbol than the eagle. Philosophically, the only flag in our history that reflects the cause of the American Revolution, resistance to government tyranny, is the coiled rattlesnake over the words:
"DON'T TREAD ON ME."No one can look upon that flag and misunderstand its meaning.
Under the Constitution the only Federal crime is treason. Subverting the Constitution can only be construed as such. Those in government, Federal, State, or local, who by action or inaction would legislate away the only individual guaranty against tyrannical government, the right to keep and bear arms, and those who support such legislation, are traitors to the Constitution.
As a member of the standing army of this nation for more than 20 years, I have, and am, sworn to defend the Constitution against these domestic enemies of the Constitution. As an American Patriot and one of thousands of leaders in today's Militia movement , I cannot lie to you and tell you that I will no longer stand by that vow and pledge that I made to you nearly 50 years ago. Therefore, I must prepare myself to take up arms against the enemies of the Constitution. I must, and will.....and praise be to heaven, I am not alone.
Norm Olson, ..............................................................................................
Commander ACM
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